How To Start A Decorating Project

There is one thing any decorating project needs that is a plan. I see a lot of people get hung up on what room to start and why isn’t the space working for us as a family. Here is the most important factor to consider before if starting your decorating project.

What Is Your Home Telling You?

I read that each room in your home can represent where you are in your life. So first, you should start to look around at each room and work on those rooms you have been neglecting. Style can be a wonderful way to make a statement, but if you don’t focus on function first you will never really be able to get the home you love.

Here is my theory, I thought I would share –

Family Areas – If the room isn’t really comfortable and well designed it says that you are not really able to find a place to spend time as a family. Instead, create an area where everyone can be together and enjoy it.  

Tip for layout: Really look at the layout of your furniture and ask the members of your family why they don’t like the space. I found out from my kids they didn’t like the chairs we had in the Gameroom they had outgrown them. My two kids wanted a sectional so each one had their side. You should really look at what is not working to get answers to what you need and could work for your family. How many seats so everyone can sit comfortably?  Are you put your feet up kind of family? Is there a place to put drinks where you sit? Questions like these really allow for better planning of your space.


Home Offices that are disorganized sometimes a sign of money struggles.  If your office is at home for business it can suffer if there is no organization. Remember it should be a place you want to enjoy spending time in.

Tip for paper filing: I try to at least monthly really do a clean up with this one. Make it the first or last Saturday/Sunday of the month where you file papers away. Having filing systems that are simple is best here. When you make things too tedious and complicated is when clutter happens. If you don’t have enough space it is to time purge and possibly re-configure the layout of your office. Sometimes the layout could be the problem.


Kitchen – Open up your pantry and take a look… Is it a mess and junk food everywhere? Are you needing to focus on healthy eating for yourself and your family? I shared my pantry redo a while back on how this was the biggest problem with our family and how I conquer it so I could focus on my own health.

Tips for counter clutter: Only put out small appliances that are used daily. If they are not used at least weekly they should be stored away. With papers have a designated tray or stacking tray for school papers and important ones and go through the mail as soon as you get it, so you are throwing away junk mail as soon as possible.


Container Store

Master Bathrooms and Bedrooms can be saying you don’t spend enough time on yourself and with your significant other when dysfunctional. When these spaces are creating a relaxing calming environment for you, it can really make a great statement about who you are!

Tip for a more relaxing Bath – Are you a tub or shower person? Surround your self with only what you need and what really relaxes you. Repaint the bathroom too if the color isn’t relaxing and you are not going to be remodeling it. Keep counter clutter to a minimum only what you use daily should be out.


Tip to refresh your Bedroom – Getting new bedding a great way to start adding a pop of color and something comfortable is a great way to update it. Make your bed every morning too so you come home to a more functioning space. Lighting needs to be dimmable for how you want it to function for you.

What is important to consider when starting your decorating project is focusing on function. It’s time to get rid of what isn’t working and let go of items or habits preventing you from living your best at home. Finally, allow yourself to have the happy family home you deserve!

Happy Decorating!  Karen

Need more tips for planning your decorating project – download my Essential Guide to Decorating a Family-Friendly Home Today! 


If you need help with creating a family home you absolutely love, check out our servicesWe offer both in-home services here in Houston and virtual services for out of area clients.



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Meet Karen

Imagine walking into your living room to find your toddler covered in marker along with your furniture! My daughter's "Marker Art" was a defining moment. It was then that I reinvented my business to find the very best family-friendly furnishings and solutions for my client's homes.

My blog shares the very best of what I have learned about family-friendly design these past 18 years.


Our Interior Design Services cater to your family’s lifestyle.


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